Saturday, August 09, 2008


Peacing out of Wisconsin in a bit. Its been a very long hard summer. I'm glad I came, but this second year has challenged me in ways I never imagined. I'm exhausted, and the digestion of everything thats gone down will undoubtedly continue for at least a few more weeks.

Plan of action for the moment:
-2 days drive back to the padres in MD, with a brief stop over in Madison and maybe Chicago
-4 day drive to Tejas and kickin' it there for a coupla days helping a friend move
-hopefully temping or other such making money for the remaining 3-4 weeks of the summer in MD
-heading out to Colorado/Utah/Montana to start training mid-September
-hopefully getting a job outta training efforts, working in the mountain west for a while...

And there is the end of my nose.

A little bit of nostalgia and sadness to leave here are battling for brain space with my anger and frusteration at everything that happened this summer. I'm not quite sure which will win out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i'd love to hear what your plans are. i'll try to call you at some point. i'm going to be at work monday and tuesday, and then some wapanacki people i worked with last summer are coming to boston and i'm taking a week off to touristy things with them which have yet to be determined. i want to go camping, but the fact that they have been at camp for 9 weeks and the fact that it's thundering and pouring right now is putting a little bit of a "damper" on that. anyway, when you have time/energy let me know what's up in your world. and as usual you're always welcome here in boston...