Tuesday, March 08, 2005

New Low or alternately MWUAHAHAHAHAH SUCKERS

The new magic semi-secret plan of the week was to abandon breakfast and start going to lunch again instead. I figure food might help the whole energy level conundrum, and I can go with out coffee and still have half a chance of wakefulness in 9:40 AM Music Theory.


Or pass out while sitting up in one of those heinously uncomfortable bandie chairs. While doing an ear training test. I officially RULE.

New magic semi-secret plan of the week, take two: Take lots and lots of leisurely frolics in Tryon.

And suck up RIDICULOUSLY to all the Evans authorities between now and scholarship decisions on Friday.



Anonymous said...

Ummmmmm, Pass OUT?!?! Please tell me that you are ok and that I am just misinterpreting what you have written . . . PLEASE . . .

Anonymous said...

wow... you are the first and only person to respond to my "personal ad."

so yes, i would love for you to pass the word on to your friends.

my first thought was, how did this girl at LC find my xanga? and then i realized i never unsubscribed from all the college rings i joined. i guess you don't mind me crashing your college party, i was just trying to get a better feel for the places by visitng some journals and seeing how interesting/interested/depressed everyone was.

i visited LC in november so maybe we've walked past each other and didn't even know it. (you might find that interesting to look at acutally - we had trouble finding a place to sleep at LC too and ended up with junior Laura Content if you know her - nice girl to rescue us from the 24 hours library).

thanks again.
