Friday, June 24, 2005

Mir v vsjo Mirja

Let me just say that I just had my first Russian dream, and it kicked ass. I have no recollection as to why, or what it was, but I woke up and was just extatic with myself. Take that Donna.

Let me also just say that perfective present tenses are the bane of my existance. I mean really now, why the hell would anyone EVER invent something is CONVOLUTED as that. Only the Russians.

And the Czechs.

And the Poles, and the Slovaks, and the Bulgarians...i tak dale.


Woot for my new phrase book though, if anyone every needs to know how to tell their copious Russian lovers to put on a condom damn it, I can totally hook you up =).

Thanks to all of you for my MSN date, totally was the pick me up I needed. That and my 2 hour conversation marathon with the TA. But yea, I'd love to do it again, if you're out there in webland and have MSN, give me a shout out a good day in advance, and I'll haul my computer down to campus and we can chat.

Eeee for good moods.

Wow. And my sandwhich was that good.

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