Wednesday, December 27, 2006


At home, in MD, being swallowed by the overwhelming Columbia-ness of the bubble. Just a small note to say that:

1. My mothers car sounds like a dying bovine, but driving is still most excellent.
2. The Mormon temple is Disney Land.
3. My family is tiring.
4. Boyfriend no. 2 is an AMAZING cook.
5. Coffee is suprisingly unnecesary when you sleep for 15 hours straight.
6. Phone is fixed, but I lost all my numbers, so text me yours.
7. Home is weird when theres just food around 24/7 and you eat constantly. I think I'm just way too good at being the poor college student
8. We have H&M, so life is grand.

Catch y'all on the flip side in...7 days.

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