Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Living Dead

Procrastination at my best, I thought it'd be fitting to revive the dead list of yore. Then again, that might just be trying to finish my second paper in two days after actually, heaven forbid, relaxing for a couple hours tonight with pizza, beer, and tv. And Bailey's. But yea, for the record:

Its 12:45 am on Sunday morning, and I have

-21 Page Global Inequality Paper on Transnational Organizing in the Indigenous Rights Movement
-20 minute presentation on representations of food politics in The Simpsons
-Final 6 page Spanish composition on How I Ran Away to Latvia
-9 Page Race and Ethnicity Paper about Russian Immigration to the Portland Area
-Bureacracy involved in registering for Russian at Portland State University next semester. They apparently haven't been informed of our supposedly well respected Foreign Language Exchange between the Portland Universities Consortia. Oops. Well leave it to me to enlighten...

-2 Five Page Papers which together make up my Race and Ethnicity Final. Both well drafted, now I just have to prettify and cite
-Neccesary Studying for Spanish. Reread some cuentos, am still trying to revive the energy to care about Literary Criticism and Historical Movements in Spanish literature en espanol por supuesto

Alas, Still Writhing About in Gleeful Agony:
-Studying for what will surely be my most wicked final, Global Inequality. The review shit itself was like 7 pages long...
-Memorizing spanish literature terms
-Formalizing my internship for next semester at Catholic Charities (hush) Refugee Program
-Christmas Shopping, which sadly can't be laughed off this year on account of MY ENTIRE FAMILY SHOWING UP IN THE BUBBLE IN LESS THAN TEN DAYS
-Cleaning my house in Portland, which I haven't slept in in like, at least 10 days...Some WFR kids are crashing with me in January and our place is...well...disarray doesn't quite cut it

At least I'm mostly done with playing nice with heart doctors for the month. I'm, well, alternately petrified and quite intrigued at the process of going through airport security with a heart monitor. But I'm on lists to begin with, so why not spice things up a bit?! As my sister, who is currently radioactive due to cancer treatment, said, if we both make it back alive, then nothing a family holiday can throw at us can bring us down.

So hear me o gods of holiday doom, bring it.

All things considered, housing crap aside, I'm happy to report I think I'm surviving my first real finals week of real classes not to badly. I make no attempt at actually speaking English after writting semi-constantly for 10 days, but Russian does me better in the long term anyway. But I'm in love with my brain, kind of sickly proud of writting and writting and writting and creating and producing and deducing, and yea. Maybe academia isn't half bad after all.

Save travels to everyone, if you're back in the Columbubble for the holiday, be sure to come check out my sexy wires...If not, I'm back in Ptown as of January 3rd. Yep, thats a whole 12 hours prior to my golden birthday...

He he he.


Anonymous said...

hey, you're going to make it! although i'd like to know something about this heart thing...but all in all you're almost there!!! yay...and enjoy the bubble even if it's only for a few days of madness...

Joan Bramsch said...

I wish you a very Happy Golden Birthday.
