Friday, April 15, 2005


To Any and All who encounter me outside of cyber space in the next weeks: My sincere and most humble gratitude and apologies. No joke. I don't want to deal with me, I wanna be several thousand miles away from me right now. So I can only imagine running into me, you know, in real life. Encountering me cackling maniacally to myself, while sitting in our dark room prolonging the inevitable. Or just cause I lost it. (have lost? am losing? lose it? Now where is the grammar Nazi when you need ''em, right???). Anyway, all who don't go running screaming off in the other direction when you see me, you are either as cracked out and stressed as I am, or just, well, weird.

College is finally getting to me. Its 3:30 AM, and I'm half way though my outline for IA. Due, of course, in less than six hours. Yippeeee. I may just pull my first all nighter. Heh, I did always want to see the sun come up over the mountain...Just not on a grand total of, oh, 20 hours of sleep this week. You take what you can get, right? Its kind of exhilarating, honestly, to be so fully occupied. I realized today (yes, my revelation NOT iinvolving Brett being the Verizon guy, marshmallow Peeps, or the my unwavering ability to creep out prospies) that I really like everything that I'm doing. I'm honestly interested in everything that I'm involved in. What a, breath of fresh air, you know? It's really nice. So please, don't misinterpret my bitching and moaning. A lot of it is undoubtedly the coffee (or lack there of) talking. I am not complaining, I am not trying to one up anyone. If anything, I'm just trying to put things into place within my own head.

Super cool kickass discovery of the night: Buffalo Springfield and Collective Soul. Or my sister drunkenly syllogizing on the "Boys are Poopy" theme. It was priceless.

And communism., man.

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