Thursday, November 30, 2006

I like to get all tied up and rescue myself, then it's off to the park and a scoop of icecream for my hero

So does it count as REALLY dumb to change one's topic of one's final research paper due in two weeks if one hasn't done any real research on said first topic?

Ha ha, yes children. I only write in third person when life is reaaaaaly interesting. But what can I say, I'm kind of burnt out on writting about the complexities of Russian social structure for a while. Me thinks transnational indigenous organizing and this wicked cool Siletz grandmother whom I met this summer would be, well, less brainfull-tiring. And just, way cool.

Check it:

And if you need me until December 13 (which is, like, way soon) I'll be at Papacinno's/PSU Library/Starbucks/Watzek. Pretty much, not my house. 'Cause the only way my house is livable, is in my bed.

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