Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Oh, hippies.

I'd just like to take this moment, huddled in the cyber cafe with 9 other strangers peering intently at the 530 news, that its moments like this that I love my school. Its election night, pitch dark and pouring outside, and professors and students alike are milling around amazed by the double presence of both Tom Brokaw and Tim Russert on NBC news. I love it that LC kids are pumped for government and life and well, engaged. I love it that LC kids have been milling around impatiently at all TVs and computers all afternoon, waiting for the first signs of poll returns. I love it that one professor this afternoon said he'd excuse anybody from the remainder of class who needed to drive down to the ballot box and vote. For all the crap that I give them, on rare days that everyone comes together in the pursuit of passions, and intellectualism, and civic involvement, well, I wouldn't trade Portland for anywhere else in the world.

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