Monday, September 08, 2008

Suddenly so Ordinary

It's funny, the more regular my life gets, the stronger my desire to say fuck it. Chuck it all, get some shitty teaching job in Tashkent, and you know, sort of drop off the face of the earth for a year or so.

A natural reaction maybe, from spending the morning learning how to pay my new credit card bill (not even due yet), and about my car payment and warrantee. Makes me gag a little bit, even just writting about it.

I'm excited to be headed out to Colorado finally in a bit more than a week. Nervous, wondering how my car will fare (and my sanity for that matter) on the drive out there. But somehow, Durango doesn't seem quite exotic enough. I'm sure I'll feel better once I get moving, get into trouble, and figure out how completely and totally in over my head I am.

But for now I am bored. I am plotting. And I am up to no good.

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