Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I just want you to know who I am

Oy vey, I wrote this this morning on my way to school in Russian, and half I don't remember well, the other half doesn't translate well, but screw all of you damn it, I've had 6 hours of lessons today and one more coming, so humor me.

So I'm walking down the street about half way between my house and the Institute downtown. I happen to glance across the street where three 20-something guys are standing, drinking coffee, and oogling a car in front of them. I'm on the other side of the street, mind you, so I don't really hear what they're saying, though it was most definitely foreign-ish. They must have caught my glance, half smile, and chuckle, because one of them calls out "Hey pretty lady" (insert pelvic thrusts here). I just laugh, and keep walking. Then another one tries a bad, "You speak-a my language?" looking all hopeful and shit as I motor another block down. Since they were relatively dark looking, I just assumed they were Spanish speakers (bad assumption, ass-like, yes I know) so I answered, "Que idioma?" Never mind that properly I should have said "Qual idioma?", but fuck, Russian has summarily executed most of my command of Spanish. This obviously didn't penetrate very far, but it did succeed in striking them dumbfound for an extra minute or two. Then they keep talking at me, in perhaps Arabic, and I get all flustered and just start chattering in Russian until I get all the way up to my class room.

Oy vey, such linguistic conundrums. I think my brain was just meant to combust, that's really the answer.

Mad bonus points to any and all who can successfully explain to me the difference between a verbal adverb and a participle. Curses, I knew that whole English grammar thing would come in handy someday...

So true:
"Do you know a cure for me? Why yes, he said, I know a cure for everything. Salt water. Salt water? I asked him. Yes, he said, in one form or another, sweat, tears or the salt sea. "- Isak Dinesen

Please call if you need, I'm concerned. I promise I won't even gloat (existuje takoe anglicko slovo? es palabra en ingles?)

Ay dios mio. Oy vey. Time for tea.

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