Wednesday, October 26, 2005

In which I meet cobblestones head on...or alternately...Winter VACATION!!!

Two months in country and maybe perhaps finally feel like yea, hello Russia. It started snowing this morning, yes, take note of the date, it is officially October 26. Temperature is resting around -2-3 degrees celcius, which I believe is like, maybe 28ish fareinheit? I've lost count.

God damn it, must actually bring the journal to transcribe because otherwise I end up staring at the screen and realizing how completely friggin incoherent I actually am.

VACATION TOMMOROW. Night train after the university choir concert tommorow night to Moscow, like one day actually in Moscow, then flying out to Prague and the village...I haven't even let myself think about being back there, my brain has drawn a happy curtain infront of everything that happens after I get off the train in Kostelec, walk up to the center of the town, and ring the bell. Thats all I got, after that I have no fucking clue what will happen, how I will spend five days with these people...No clue. But lord, please dont let me have to speak to them in Russian...I've been so possessed by that lately that I'm walking down the street talking to myself in Czech just for shits and giggles, to see if I can. Yea, loud enough for people to cross the street to avoid having to walk past crazy me. It was fantastic. And then of course I let things come out in Czech in class just cause I've been thinking about it so much, and they look at me like the retard that I am. I'm gonna come back here in two weeks and out of whack. Oh well, new and different...

Speaking of choir concert and new and different, WHERE THE HELL CAN I GET WHITE SHOES BY TOMMOROW. WHO THE HELL REQUIRES WHITE CONCERT DRESS. This is ridicious. I recieved my fabulously heinous white potato sack dress last week, which definitly does not fit, and I'm sure there will be some pics of it at some point. I admit it though, I am getting pysched for this gig finally. Last night at rehearsal they brought in a crap load of ringers, and suddenly, holy shit we were actually good. I love sitting in the middle of it, pretending like I have half a clue what I'm doing, just soaking it in. And then I catch the evil eye from the director and well yea, thats the end of that...

Two months, it feels really weird. I wish I had the luxury of more time here, just because I know that a semester is far from adequate to really lose myself in this life...I think about two months into AFS, I couldn't even leave the house by myself, much less spit out a remotely coherent sentence in the local language. Four months in, I was just barely taking trains by myself, and still missing most of the words people were throwing at me. A semester, its nothing really. So every adventure, every mishap, is both a joy and a sorrow. Happy because I was, sad because soon I wont be.

Lord what a fucked up way to look at things. I'm going to go play in the snow and hope that our power comes on soon so I can have some clean cloths out of the wash with half a prayer of being remotely dry before tommorow night...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah, babe! At least someone ELSE was getting snow too! Yesterday we got at LEAST 3 inches of snow - everyone else in the country had sunshine and we had friggin snow and sleet! It was kinda fun though - we had just enough snow for a good snowball or three. :-) Anywayz, hope you're having a WONDERFUL break! I'm sorry I missed talking to you this morning - I missed you by less then 5 mins . . . I'll have to write you another email cuz this post is REALLY long. Love YA!!