Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Deja Vu-ish

Just dropping a line to say that yes, Moscow did not in fact eat me. Red square is, well, bizzare and absurd, but insanely cool. We had half a foot of snow last week before I left. It was scary.

And now I'm back in the "motherland", and its weird as hell as in disorienting, but hella cool. I'm getting a big kick out of confusing the crap out of these people when I'm having a fairly fluent conversation with someone, and then drop two or three russian words, usually the good ones, like "yes" "thank you" "here" "please understand me". Yea makes things interesting.

Its just incredibly weird to be walking in ones own footsteps, when so much has changed, yet so much is exactly disturbingly the same.

Longer later.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Dude, how many time zones are you from P-land? Let me know when you're available for a chat.

Six more weeks? A cakewalk! :)