Friday, September 09, 2005


Short tonight since its 1 am and I have to get up and out on our trip too early tommorow morning (today?) five hours. But good news and a great mood were worth at least a few lines. Fred and I went tonight to hear the University Choir, and by some stroke of luck, they actually accepted us!!! Chris, thats my token stupid-ass thing I do in your honor this week...I can't belive we pulled it off. I feel so much better, that drudgery and pit in my stomach is all gone, all for the love of spontenaity and music- like I can breath again, in a tangible sense. Rehearsals for three hours twice a week seem fairly daunting, but life as we kn ow it is a big giant daunting city, and I just found a way to make it mine. Music and real live Russians, and just sittin gin the middle of it soaking it all in, chords, harmony, facial expressions, impassionate useless pleas of spine tingled. They managed to reconeect me to that circle of wonderfully insane people and things, worldwide, who thrash violently in the direction of artistic expression and far removed passionate perfection.

Thank god. And not a moment too soon.

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