Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Ok. This is getting serious.

All weeklong I've been having these crazy days. You know the kind, where people on the street look at you like you're naked or something. Or your fly is down. Or you're Cindy Crawford. One day, sure, I didn't make anything of it. Two days made me smile. Three days, this is very fishy. This morning on my way to school this car full of guys stalked me, all the way into town. No joke. Stalkage. Theyd pull up at every street crossing where the bikepath went through, stop and holler, "hey gotta get your tennies on and start running otherwise you're never going to keep up with us..." Every single one. I'm not even wearing MAKE UP today. Too many days in a row of mascara and my face gets chapped. What the hell is going on?!?

I spent the whole walk daydreaming about the beautiful boy who gave me a ride up the hill last night on my way home from the market. Me being me, of course I didn't manage a coherent sentence in the car with him. Now though, let me tell you, I've got it all word for word planned out. I'd be brilliant. In my mind though, of course he speaks russian, yea, perhaps he failed to mention that.

Maybe its karma for befriending the crazy homeless crew with the teddybears and witch hat. I gave them all my change last night, and left them a sack of nuts this morning. Ok, lame, yes, I know, but its all I had that wasn't gonna be eaten between now and next Wednesday. Give me a break. I too am a poor college student. Lord, how I never tire of saying that.

Karma, man. Yea. I like that.

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