Thursday, August 25, 2005


Quote of the day: Ben "Wait, they ahve animals here?!?" after happening upon a from while we were "exploring" (looking for the bar).

Well the freakish parrallels of my life and experiences continue. I made it back to the airport in one piece, and didn't even shell out half a kidney for the priviledge. Because I wasn't sure when precisely we were supposed to be meeting at the airport, I got there on the early end. By end I mean 6 hours. But it was fun, I read my book, and got to play spot the foreigner to my heart's content. Unfortunately, spot the foreigner usually implicates me. Off the rotation in my wardrobe for the duration include: flip-flops, sweatshirts, sneakers, and any sort of nonformfitting anything. Fabulous. Sometimes I really loath my perception capabilities, because after today, there is absolutely no excuse. After a few more hours (totatlly would have preferred hanging in the city, a la AFS) one of the leaders showed up and hearded us to the busses. Much to my irony, it was the exact same busses that I loathed and loved in Hradec way back when. SO we exchangers pilled in the bus, mingled awkwardly, and promptly all passed out for most of the two hour ride out to the boondockis. OK, so this place is totally several steps up from Cheznovice and the crazy boys, but the resemblances are eery. Substitute boys for hoards of babushkas, and you're good to go.

The kids seem pretty nice, but again, trying not to fall into that trip. Its interesting seeing who personality wise fall sinto which group, and who actually endevours to speak russian. As usual, I feel like I'll fall into place with the guys more than the girls, but we'll see.

I walked in the Finnish gulf today. As in, the gulf of Finland. How absolutely absurd is that ?!?

Damn it I haven't even started yet and I want to stay longer

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