Monday, August 01, 2005



The longer this drags on the more I think this whole "summer" school thing may have been a bad idea. I'm wondering if its possible to overcome this 7th inning slump, wherefrom to find the energy for this last push. That would really help me out in the long run, considering my penchant for screwing around in school when it most matters. So tired. So unmotivated. So just want to play hookie. Damn American standards. Gah.


Why bother?

You know, there is something very wrong in the world when I'm reading academic texts as a means to avoid doing my academic work. Very, very, wrong. That says nothing about the dozens of That 70's Show reruns that I have watched, but so far I've been able to contain that to weekends, and or friday nights. I mean, downtime. Yea.

Who wants to come hang with me at Reagan for four hours Thursday morning week after this one? I'd be veerrrrrrry verrrrrrrrrry appreciative. And may actually resort to bribery ;-)

Happy Birthday to the great and ellusive Sara Grossblhowever the fuck you spell your last name. So shoot me, its friggin' early and I'm too cheap and lazy to spring for anything with justifiable quantities of espresso.

Yes. Summer school, very, very, bad idea.

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