Monday, August 29, 2005

Immodium Forever

Title= Current winner of my "Kickass Semi-fluency in English Graffiti"campaign.

I'm here. Today was our first day of classes. If by classes you mean godawful three hour long placement test and interview. Oh, and of course, my second HIV test in six months. Those of you who know me well know that needles+me = NOT GOOD TERMS. I was kind of hoping I'd totally lose it and pass out on them. No such luck.

I'm actually very pleased with the whole host family situation. Nice part of town, walking from our flat to the metro reminds me of Boston. No joke. Family includes the mom, two daughters, the 16 year old daughters boyfriend, and three cats. Not bad. My room is about the size of the one I shared in the village in Kostelec, and just a bit smaller than Masha's and I's in Akindom. So yea, fairly satisfied. I've got my three block radius from our building in every direction down pretty well, and now am attempting to move on to the other side of the river.

God I can't stand stupid americans. Hate. Shaking my angry fist just doesn't cut it. I've sworn at a couple in quick Russian and they just look befuddled. Yes, I'm an ass.

Riana- I met a muy simpatico bonito mejicano. You'd be very impressed.

Chris- God I love ya kid. Say the word and I'll beat her up.

J- Every time I pass a cathedral I think of you.



Amy said...

It's so great to hear from you! I miss you, girl. No one else here will eggroll with me.

Anonymous said...

Peggy! I'm glad you're having an amazing time. That's awesome that the host family worked out so well too. Give me a call or email or something if you have would be great to hear from you.


Anonymous said...

Beat her up next time then.