Friday, May 06, 2005

Live Update

Two Days and 24 hours of sleep later...let the girlifying of Peggy commence.


Seeing as all my "girlie girl" friends (thanks dad. really.) are either unavailable, because they're still at school, or because i've been my malevolent bitter truthtelling self one too many times, I'm left brutally solo for tommorow night.

So. Plan of the moment. Clinique "free consultation" (heheheh, worked for us in Prague all those times, proc ne?) and then praying I can be in and out of Haircuttery in less than an hour and 30 bucks. Alas, not putting very much real hope in either.

An afternoon of the wonders of Windle running around Ellicott, and I'm almost re-convinced this whole hellish ordeal might just prove fufilling after all. But the specter of 10 hours of sobriety in the company of a crowd of 16-18 year olds who are totally obsessed with...their mutual bad-assdom...yea. Less than inspiring.

Thank crap I have something to wear. Totally the high point of the day.

Take THAT Bon squishy. I win.


Amy said...

Ha! You rock, Peggy! =D I'll bet you were the most beautiful belle at the ball. Love ya.

Anonymous said...

Oh Peggy. Hope you're having a great time back at home! Sorry I didn't get to see you one last time. Have a fabulous time in Mother Russia, and im me if I'm online. (My user name is cjileong for everything. Creative, isn't it?)