Thursday, May 12, 2005

Well Said

Maybe you said it the best yourself, granted, I'm very badly misquoting you, "Its like the impulsive passionate run by instinct artist part of my brain is beating the analytical pragmatic one to death....Except they haven't quite figured out who's winning yet." Lord. If you only knew.

I can see it coming and damn it, I can't remember my brain long enough to stop it.

Cryptic. Yea. Cryptic covers up not knowing what the heck you're actually saying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Peggy
Under the influence of boredom I found your blog! (horrah for boredom today)
I like the way you write. I've not been able to get so candid in my blog. But check it out anyway, xanga: laurelnak
When do you leave for Russia?