Sunday, February 08, 2009


So I ran away this morning before Honza and everyone got back from his swim meet. I feel kind of bad that I'm sitting drinking something lovely and caffeinated at Riverside after a morning of shopping. I love having everyone here and cannot even begin to believe how much Czech I am remembering, but have to also remember that this is my vacation too, and interpreting 24/7 is way tiring.

As Mirek says--the answer clearly is that I must just chuck everything and move back do Čechy and bydlet s ními. Kdybych...

I had forgotten what kind of crazy intense conversations I have with these people. In the last five days we've had pretty heated discussions about my job, parenting and societal ills, našem novem prizidentě, health care, the economy, Honza's future, sports doping, and lord knows what else. I am holding my tongue on the whole me finding a nice boy topic, but I'd be very surprised if I avoided it completely.

I do miss this tough, using this side of my brain. I keep kind of putting it to the back of my mind but I know I'll have to deal with that part of me sooner or later. I love the struggle of circumlocuting constantly, and I love perpetually bein gin on the joke. I don't know how or why it happened, but this seems to be my gift and eventually I'm going to need to figure out how to incorporate it into my post-student life on a more regular basis.

Enough stalling I suppose...

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