Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Jet Plane

In the air on the way to Dallas, and I'm trying to decide whether it's worth it to stay awake. The drive down to Albuquerque this morning was actually pretty smooth going. Lots of big empty country, juniper and red spiral mountains while driving through reservation after reservation. My phone started roaming about half way down to Bernalillo, so I couldn't even occupy myself that way. I left about 6:30 and got through security by 10:30 easy. Wouldn't have stressed me at all I don't think had I actually slept much last night...Same old story there.

I really don't know what to think about this visit. It hasn't even been that long since I left in September, I mean no more than a semester of school ever was. I feel way different though, and the six months in between somehow seem way more transitional and important than a similar chunk of time in Portland. Bigger and longer in weight. I guess I just want that to be recognized, really, and for people there to somehow sense all the work that I've done and the deep seeded shifts that I'm making. This feels more like a brief visit rather than a return home.

I feel a little guilty about seeing the Hlouskovi again, as my communication has been pretty minimal since I last visited them in 2005. Worried about how reconnecting will go and than I remember they're not exactly here to see me. I'm stoked to get to show off this area I guess, apprehensive about the language dillemas (which, not whether), anxious about trying to explain my work to them, and to see if I measure up.

And then there is the loud part of me that would really like to just hurry up and get tback to Durango already and commence having adventures there. I'm hoping home time is a good enough distraction, otherwise I may just get lost in the gushy part of my head in the next two weeks.

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