Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday Again

Monday again, and I'm wondering what I have to show for it. I'm learning that for me to feel recharged by the time I head back to work its not enough just to not do stressful things. I have to also do be proactive about doing relaxing things. Last off shift was such a binge of self-care happy fun time though, I think anything smaller just pales in comparison. I have baked a lot, and slept a crap-ton, but mostly I've just procratinated and watched a lot of bad TV. I am stressing preemptively about moving again, in less than a month, which seemed like a long time until I factored in the whole work week schedule thing. So in theory I am moving in about twelve days.

I'm wondering about underscoring my feminine this coming week, how to do so, and what it would look like. Not feminine in the fro-frou frilly sense, but more in the extra compassionate softer sense. The part that can love 'em up without feeling guilty, that can hold boundaries compassionately, as Alex likes to say. I'm trying to figure out how I show compassion, how I can demonstrate that softer side.

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